
class rcognita.simulator.Simulator(sys_type, closed_loop_rhs, sys_out, state_init, disturb_init=[], action_init=[], t0=0, t1=1, dt=0.01, max_step=0.005, first_step=1e-06, atol=1e-05, rtol=0.001, is_disturb=0, is_dyn_ctrl=0)

Class for simulating closed loops (system-controllers).


Type of system by description:

diff_eqn : differential equation \(\mathcal D state = f(state, u, q)\)
discr_fnc : difference equation \(state^+ = f(state, u, q)\)
discr_prob : by probability distribution \(X^+ \sim P_X(state^+| state, u, q)\)

: string

\(state\) : state
\(u\) : input
\(q\) : disturbance

Right-hand side description of the closed-loop system. Say, if you instantiated a concrete system (i.e., as an instance of a subclass of system class with concrete closed_loop_rhs method) as my_sys, this could be just my_sys.closed_loop_rhs.


: function


System output function. Same as above, this could be, say, my_sys.out.


: function


If 1, the controller (a.k.a. agent) is considered as a part of the full state vector.


: 0 or 1

state_init, disturb_init, action_init

Initial values of the (open-loop) system state, disturbance and input.


: vectors

t0, t1, dt

Initial, final times and time step size


: numbers

max_step, first_step, atol, rtol

Parameters for an ODE solver (used if sys_type is diff_eqn).


: numbers

See also

systems module

__init__(sys_type, closed_loop_rhs, sys_out, state_init, disturb_init=[], action_init=[], t0=0, t1=1, dt=0.01, max_step=0.005, first_step=1e-06, atol=1e-05, rtol=0.001, is_disturb=0, is_dyn_ctrl=0)
  • sys_type (: string) –

    Type of system by description:

    diff_eqn : differential equation \(\mathcal D state = f(state, u, q)\)
    discr_fnc : difference equation \(state^+ = f(state, u, q)\)
    discr_prob : by probability distribution \(X^+ \sim P_X(state^+| state, u, q)\)

  • where

    \(state\) : state
    \(u\) : input
    \(q\) : disturbance

  • closed_loop_rhs (: function) – Right-hand side description of the closed-loop system. Say, if you instantiated a concrete system (i.e., as an instance of a subclass of System class with concrete closed_loop_rhs method) as my_sys, this could be just my_sys.closed_loop_rhs.

  • sys_out (: function) – System output function. Same as above, this could be, say, my_sys.out.

  • is_dyn_ctrl (: 0 or 1) – If 1, the controller (a.k.a. agent) is considered as a part of the full state vector.

  • state_init (: vectors) – Initial values of the (open-loop) system state, disturbance and input.

  • disturb_init (: vectors) – Initial values of the (open-loop) system state, disturbance and input.

  • action_init (: vectors) – Initial values of the (open-loop) system state, disturbance and input.

  • t0 (: numbers) – Initial, final times and time step size

  • t1 (: numbers) – Initial, final times and time step size

  • dt (: numbers) – Initial, final times and time step size

  • max_step (: numbers) – Parameters for an ODE solver (used if sys_type is diff_eqn).

  • first_step (: numbers) – Parameters for an ODE solver (used if sys_type is diff_eqn).

  • atol (: numbers) – Parameters for an ODE solver (used if sys_type is diff_eqn).

  • rtol (: numbers) – Parameters for an ODE solver (used if sys_type is diff_eqn).


__init__(sys_type, closed_loop_rhs, sys_out, …)

param sys_type

Type of system by description:


Collect current simulation data: time, system state and output, and, for completeness, full closed-loop state.



Do one simulation step and update current simulation data (time, system state and output).